Saturday 28 April 2012

Seedlings, Surprises and Milk bags, Oh my! by Kira

Golden Sweet Pea
My seedlings are looking great! No disasters. The kids have been good with them. I think it is because they have been included in the whole process. I did however change the containers the seeds were started in. My cardboard cups were not holding up so planted the seeds right into trays. 

Red Russian kale

I started a few different kinds of hardy seeds outside a few weeks ago as well. Peas, kale, calendula, all are sprouting now. 

Calendula started outside top and inside bottom.

Lemon cucumber and Red Kuri squash.

Red Kuri Squash

A few days ago I transplanted seedlings into used milk bags. They are working well so far.

Surprise! Surprise!  Not sure who or what this little guy is yet. He sprouted up among my cucumbers.

Ground Cherries & Purple Tomatilos 
I am most excited about these. The ground cherries and tomatillos. They look great but small. I did read that both plants, especially the ground cherry, grow like weeds. I think once I get them out into the garden they will just take off. 
Mmmm... ground-cherries are very tasty.
You can find ground-cherries in most health food stores. They are usually called golden berries. They are sweet and tart, with a hint of pinapple and tomato, all wrapped in a pretty paper husk. 

Hatty # 2

This is Hatty number two. She helped me with the garden photo shoot this evening. This week I'm planning on putting in the beets and carrots. I'm sure miss Hatty will be helping along with the rest of the crew.

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